Wednesday 24 September 2014

people getting puppies for christmas, i got a puppy for christmas, christmas puppy surprise, puppy for christmas present, people getting a puppy for christmas youtubeGetting puppy This video is so touching..

See the expression of old lady and kids. What ever the age, they all love them. See the tears of joy..

Enjoy the Christmas .... 

Thursday 4 September 2014

potty pads puppies that works, how to paper train your puppy, how to potty train a dogPotty Training is very essential for those puppy onwers who grow them inside the house hold. See some tips that will make potty training not only easier but much faster.

Try it out and share your experience with us

 baby goat playing with puppies, baby and puppy, puppies playing with babies videos
Lol !!!! This is so cute. See how both of the playing. Short and adorable video of puppy and baby playing..

Most cutest section is the way puppy jumbing to link baby's ear

Tuesday 2 September 2014

St. Bernard showing love to owner, This is Sully, the St Bernard, This is how he loves his dad when he comes home from work - by pinning him down so he has to hug him. He need caring and love from master. 

See the video to get realise the real love and attachment of Saint Bernard and master

Soo Sweet .... Check this lovely picture and give caption as comment

Come on Mamma ... We will play ....

Sunday 31 August 2014

kitten dog pictures, kitten and dog best friends,Watch this video of endless love. See how these two playing and love each other. Video of  a kitten and a grown up Dog  makes you feel so happy.

See and learn what friendship means from this lovely animals

Funny Puppy Videos

Especially children love to see funny puppy videos and it make them so happy. Show this video to your child and see how happy he or she is

Enjoy and love the puppies
top ten cutest puppies, cutest puppies in the worldWe all love puppies, Their presence make us so happy and comfort. If you are tensed with some reason or if you are not in good mood, then just watch this video with some cutest puppies ever which give you smile

Do watch it and share your comments with us..

Saturday 30 August 2014

Dogs Welcome Home Soldiers, Dog Welcoming Home SoldierDogs always love the owner. Sometimes  dog may be meeting his owners after a log time. The emotion
and love which the dogs shows during those meetings or reunions are always priceless.

When the owner is a soldier, he may get chance to come home after long gaps. See some incidents here and we love it.

Hey bulldog lovers, this video is for you.

Bulldogs are one of the few breeds whose tail is naturally short and either straight or screwed and thus is not cut or docked as with some other breeds.

guard dogs breeds, top 10 guard dogsGuard Dogs are famous for its capability and aggressiveness. People lives in remote area prefer best guard dogs for their family

Watch out top ten guard dogs video and comment your choice
largest dog breeds list, largest dog breeds in the worldWe always have a curiosity about the size of dogs and breeds. Here we are coming up with video of top 10 dog breeds which are very large .

We are sure that you will be watching this video with anxious
Giant George, world's tallest dog was 7ft 3in stood up on his hind legs. This is something interesting to know.

Unfortunately he is not in this world now. Watch  Giant George 
How cute they are. Look at the way all the puppies taking food from own plates. Also we can see a Golden Retriever mom and dad

For getting this done we need to train them properly.

potty training golden retriever puppies, training golden retriever puppies not to bite,  training golden retriever puppies videos,  training golden retriever puppies youtube

Thursday 28 August 2014

God created this beautiful world with lots of hidden treasures. We love animals and they also have love and care.

Watch this video of Labrador Giving Birth to her puppies. For her she is enjoying the motherhood. Lets watch this and thank god for the endless surprises you poured on us.

Monday 14 July 2014

This is something interesting and worth watch. Do your puppy give you a wake up call ? Enjoy this

Yorkie puppy kept escaping from her crate and we couldn't figure out how.

Friday 11 July 2014

Daughters 18th Birthday she got a present surprise a beautiful King Charles Cavalier Puppy
Surprised kids with a Yorkie puppy for Valentines day.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Four Weeks old St. Bernard Puppies playing . Puppies Play Hammer & Nala puppies 4 weeks

Friday 2 May 2014

In this video, Training Positive address some of the most popular questions regarding puppy training. When should you start training a puppy? How do you teach a dog to want to be obedient? How to establish good habits, eliminate behavior problems and some house-training basics.

Training Your New Puppy or Dog, Training Dogs Basic, Top Ten Dog Training Tips, House Training a Puppy, Crate Training, Puppy Biting, Jumping Up, Puppy Obedience TrainingThe key is to set your dog up to be successful without even giving them a chance to do the wrong thing.
Puppies are curious and energetic which combined, may cause them to learn inappropriate behaviors. But if we actively supervise them and manage the environment, then they will quickly develop into well mannered members of your family.

A positive attitude is the most significant tool when bonding with a puppy. By adding or removing positive reinforcement (whether it is attention, or food) we can effectively curb, guide & nurture behavior.

Dog trainer Cesar Millan uses his animal training ideology to educate children about empathy and leadership.

Short but informative video..

In this video see a positive try to handle a puppy with way too much energy. Some might recommend taking the dog out to run or play. Instead we took the opportunity to use this energy in a more productive manner.
Treatment for Hyper and Nervous Dogs, How to Tame a Hyper Dog

We used his energy and drive for food to do some great basic training. Watch as his wild energy becomes focussed on obedience and engagement. Shelters everywhere can have volunteers and staff behaviorists do these basic exercises with reward and food and help high drive dogs become more adoptable.

BTW-this dog was adopted shortly after the day we shot this video.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Came across this video in one of the sites, my heart was weeping when read that these puppies spend their life in cage until now, even it is for 60 days..!!  Read the info and help if you are close by...

“ Cinta says : Dear Ubud Community, Every morning I wake up feeling like crying! My heart is crying because of the poor dogs underneath my house who are crying out for help but nobody to hear them!! Aaaaah Right behind Alchemy Bali they are locked up most of the day. They are 2 months old now and still in a cage. That's more than 60 days in a cage! They are for sale 3milion per dog, but nobody seems to take them.. The owners are good people, but they do not know how to sell them. And they don't have any space for the dogs.. Please help these poor dogs. The puppies love playing all day, but they CAN NOT PLAY ! They are the cutest Golden Retreiver puppies I have ever seen. I don't want them to cry and slowly die. They deserve FREEDOM! Please help! Call the owner on 087 861 115 655. Much Love/Cinta! “
There is always great debates on how cute a puppy can be..?!!

Look at this video and you will agree a Lab pup is the cutest of them...

Last year my cat gave birth to some kittens. She is a very good and caring mother, but at the same time she is in good relations with my two dogs. This one time she left for a few minutes, leaving a kitten outside, near the staircase to the house and my dog Freya decided to babysit it.

However, eventually her maternal instinct took over and at first she wouldn't let the real mother close to the kitten, deciding it was her baby. The kitten was NOT hurt in ANY way and was afterwards raised by its mother and a nanny-dog.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Being a veterinarian, Mr. Shamus Pat had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle. He examined Belker and found the dog was dying of cancer. Doc told the family they couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home. As they made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told him they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, Mr. Shamus felt the familiar catch in his throat as Belker 's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that doc wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. They sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, 'I know why.' Startled, they all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned Mr. Shamus. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.

He said, 'People are born so that they can learn how to live a good Life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?' The Six-year-old continued, 'Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.' Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy. Take naps. Stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently. ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY! 
therapy dogs, service dogs for diabetics,service dogs for autism, guardian angel service dogs, service dogs for epilepsy, types of service dogss, service dogs for anxiety, service dogs ptsdA service dog is a type of assistance dog specifically trained to help people who have disabilities including visual difficulties, hearing impairments, mental illness, seizures, diabetes, autism, and more.

Desirable character traits in service animals typically include good temperament or psychological make-up (including biddability and trainability) and good health (including physical structure and stamina). Service dogs are often trained and bred by service dog organizations

Alison suffers from seizures, vertigo, and migraines all of which her service dog Wynn can detect before they happen. For Alison, this means being able to leave her home to go when and where she pleases instead of stuck inside in isolation and fear of the next episode. Having a loyal and well-trained dog allows her to live a more normal, care-free life.
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See the informative video on how to potty train your puppy, easiest ways explained which actually works..

Patience and consistency can be great tools for a better potty training experience.

See the video for some well explained methods for Potty training ..
train your puppy easily, best puppy breeds for easy training
Some dogs require less amount of training to get in groove, some needs more efforts and time, which are the easily trainable dog breeds ?

See the video for potential information on this..

Friday 25 April 2014

puppy training, puppy training videos, how to train your puppy from home, home training for puppiesPuppy training was never easy as this before. Train your puppy, easiest ways explained in this video.

Thinking how to get a positive start of training your Puppy ? Here is some tips... watch the video..

Thursday 17 April 2014

The Labrador Retriever, also known as simply Labrador or Lab, is one of several kinds of retrievers, a type of gun dog. They are even-tempered and well-behaved around young children and the elderly. Labradors are athletic, playful, and the most popular breed of dog by registered ownership in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States (since 1991).

A favourite assistance dog breed in these and other countries, Labradors are frequently trained to aid people who are blind and people with autism, act as therapy dogs, and perform screening and detection work for law enforcement and other official agencies. They are prized as sporting and waterfowl hunting dogs. A few kennels breeding these grew up in England; at the same time a combination of sheep protection policy (Newfoundland) and rabies quarantine (England) led to their gradual demise in their country of origin.

The first and second Earls of Malmesbury, who bred for duck shooting on his estate, and the 5th and 6th Dukes of Buccleuch, and youngest son Lord George William Montagu-Douglas-Scott, were instrumental in developing and establishing the modern Labrador breed in 19th century England. The dogs Avon ("Buccleuch Avon") and Ned given by Malmesbury to assist the Duke of Buccleuch's breeding program in the 1880s are considered the ancestors of modern Labradors.

The first St. John's dog was said to be brought to England in or around 1820; however, the breed's reputation had spread to England long before. There is a story that the Earl of Malmesbury saw a St. John's Dog on a fishing boat and immediately made arrangements with traders to have some of these dogs exported to England. These ancestors of the first labradors so impressed the Earl with their skill and ability for retrieving anything within the water and on shore that he devoted his entire kennel to developing and stabilizing the breed

Other names Labrador
Nicknames Lab
Country of origin Canada

Weight Male 65–80 lb (29–36 kg)
Female 55–70 lb (25–32 kg)
Height Male 22.5–24.5 in (57–62 cm)
Female 21.5–23.5 in (55–60 cm)
Coat Smooth, short, dense and straight
Litter size 5–10 puppies (avg: 7.6)
Life span 12–13 years

Saturday 29 March 2014

When her two German shepherd puppies were stolen, a San Francisco Bay Area woman thought she'd never see them again. Then she went online and found them for sale on Craigslist. 

 The San Francisco Chronicle reported Thursday that the woman worked with police to set up a sting - tricking the seller into meeting at a location where he was arrested. Read More

The Cascades Humane Society has literally been over-run with puppies over the past month, with 21 young pups entering the facility and in need of homes.
Because of the recent influx of puppies, the humane society is seeking the community's help in caring for and finding homes for each puppy.  Read More

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Bullmastiff is massive, very powerfully built, but is not a cumbersome dog. The large, broad skull is wrinkled and the muzzle is broad, deep and usually darker in color. The forehead is flat and the stop is moderate. The black nose is wide and has large nostrils. The teeth meet in a level or undershot bite. The medium sized eyes are dark hazel. The V-shaped ears are set high and wide, carried close to the cheeks, giving a square appearance to the skull. 

The strong tail is set high, thicker at the root and tapering and is either straight or curved, and reaches to the hocks. The back is short, straight and level between the withers and the loin. The short, dense, slightly rough coat comes in brindle, fawn, or red, often with black markings on the head.    Data Courtesy : www. dogbreedinfo . com 

Monday 24 March 2014

A Tibetan mastiff puppy has been sold in China for almost $2 million, a report said Wednesday, in what could be the most expensive dog sale ever.

A property developer paid 12 million yuan ($1.9 million) for the one-year-old golden-haired mastiff at a "luxury pet" fair Tuesday in the eastern province of Zhejiang, the Qianjiang Evening News reported.

Image Credit: AFP

This picture taken on March 18, 2014 shows an unidentified man posing for a photo with two Tibetan mastiffs after they were sold at a "luxury pet" fair in Hangzhou, in eastern China's Zhejiang province. One of the Tibetan mastiff puppies (L) was sold in China for almost $2 million, a report said on March 19, in what could be the most expensive dog sale ever.  
Article Source : www . gulfnews . com  Read More :-

See the Xray of two weeks old puppy. You can see why they are so wobbly when they're young. None of their bones are fused together. This is also why you do not let your young dog jump, rough house or take them on walks or runs that are too long until they're a year old. It takes a long time for these bones to fuse "completely" together.  

Thursday 20 March 2014

Best funny and cute dog videos compilation 2014

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The World's Most Funny Dog Videos 2014
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Sunday 2 March 2014

Hi breeders... We are here to help you ..
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We are getting lots of enquiries for buying good puppies from the genuine breeders. So though to make a page for it

You can freely advertise your puppies on our page

Simply send your puppy details to us and we will place it on our site with your contact information. Buyers will directly contact to breeders

Your Questions end here
Where should I advertise puppies for sale?
Where can i advertise my puppies for sale?
What is the best way to sell puppies?
What is the best way to sell my puppy?

Find Puppies for sale and dogs for sale from dog breeders, private dog breeders, Kennels for puppies and dogs for sale in your area. breeders of purebred and designer dogs
Kennel Kitchen introduce Home Made Food for Pets. Corn free, Soya free, wheat free home made food for your loving pets with one year expiry date at a very affordable price,why to give the artificial dog food when the home made is available. And obviously it is ready to serve food.

We are giving it in six variants. Main ingredients are :- 
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VEGETABLE OIL(linoleic acid and vit E),
FISH OIL(omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids) 

Price Range:  95 Rs/kgs

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Hi all... Today we have reached 100 Likes on Facebook Page. From the ottom of the heart, we thank you for all the support.

Long way to go .... Cheers

Saturday 1 March 2014

When I was searching about puppies, I came across this terms. See the top puppy related serches on Google

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Thursday 27 February 2014

Baby and Puppy meet for the first time!

"Before Your Get Your Puppy" Free Ebook by Dr. Ian Dunbar 
:: . "Puppies should be raised in an errorless housetraining and chewtoy-training set-up.  This is very easy to do and everything you need to know is described in this little book.  Otherwise, if puppies are allowed to eliminate anywhere and chew anything in their kennel, that's what they'll continue to do when you bring them home.  Most important, puppies must be socialized before they are three months old.  Preventing fearfulness and aggression is easy and fun whereas trying to resolve adult problems is difficult, time-comsuming and not always successful. Please download and email this book to every prospective and new puppy owner that you know in order to help spread the word that Puppyhood is the Time to Rescue Adult Shelter Dogs.

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Data Courtsey : Andrea Arden Dog Training
The St. Bernard is a breed of very large working dog from the Italian and Swiss Alps, originally breed for rescue. The breed has become famous through tales of alpine rescues, as well as for its enormous size.

Saint Bernard Puppies for Sale, St. Bernard Saint dog pet puppy, Adopt a Saint Bernard, Dog Breeds, how much are saint bernard puppies, how to train a st bernard puppy, how much to feed st bernard puppy, st bernard puppy names, st bernard puppy for sale, st bernard dog, st bernard rescue, st bernard rescue puppies

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Bulldog teaches baby to crawl. White French Bulldog, Sophie, teaching  baby Isabel to crawl

Puppy Kisses 18 months old bay.. so cute.. watch it and like it

Golden Retriever Puppy Fight


Tuesday 25 February 2014

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Best Puppy Training Video! Watch how these cute puppies are trained using positive & motivational methods. Professional breeders of German Shepherds who selectively breed from the very best lines, quality breeders who focus on sound temperments and even dispositions. Watch how they perform the Bio Sensor Program on German Shepherd puppies. These puppies are fully trained at just 11 weeks old!

These puppies' mother was hit by a car, leaving them all alone. But this amazing man came along and promised her he would take care of them. Not only that, but the mother actually helps him...even from death. Beautifully done.

Cute & Cutest Puppies of All Time

Monday 24 February 2014

Dog saves man by leading police car to burning house

Dog Surprises Officer After Being Freed From A Fence

Dog saves four newborn kittens from fire

Soldier welcomed home by happy dog

Lost Dog Dora Reunited with Family After Seven Months

Labrador Camila and Her Kitten Tobias Reunited

Dog Adopts and Protects Abandoned Kitten

Cat Meets New Puppy For The First Time

Cutest Puppies Video of All Time

Sweetest husky puppies Video Ever

Cutest puppy video ever!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

4 males / 2 females available. For all inquiries call 9138690000, 8976381626.

Sunday 16 February 2014

PitBull Dogs & Puppies

Images for pitbull dog, What is a Pit Bull?, pitbull puppies with mother

French Mastiff Female Puppy

Picture Courtesy : Gaurav Upadhyaya